STEAM x English Programme for Schools

Big Bang Academy supports secondary schools in participating in the 'IT Innovation Lab in Secondary Schools' and primary schools in joining the 'Knowing More About IT Programme.' It also offers After-school English and Science Extracurricular Activities, organises STEAM Days and develops school-based interdisciplinary programmes for both international and local schools.

Event Highlights

The World Reimagined - Competition Workshop

To nurture future entrepreneurs and tackle 21st-century challenges such as climate change, Co-Founder Nixon guided over 40 participants in English research and presentation skills during a STEAM competition workshop. The session covered scientific thinking exercises, programming model design, and script writing. By working with students on more than 10 ideas, he shared insights from university research projects and presentations, fostering confidence for active participation in different STEAM competitions, including the Hong Kong Science Fair.

Workshop for Enhancing Innovative Whole-School English and Science Education

Mr Kenyon Law Kin Yeung, Vice-principal of Christian Alliance S.Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School, shared his approach in utilizing The Five Steps of Scientific Thinking to enhance cross-curricular activities in Science and English. This approach encourages students to design Science Display Boards and participate in English Public Speaking with confidence.

Workshop on the Application of AI Lens

In recent years, the Education Bureau has been incorporating a curriculum of innovative technology into primary school curriculum and has introduced the 'Enriched Module on Coding Education for Upper Primary Level' for upper primary to further develop computational thinking skills of students. Today, how can teachers introduce appropriate artificial intelligence (AI) courses to equip talented students at schools for the evolving transformation of Smart City?

Ethan Lam, Teacher Training and Curriculum Development Manager, discussed the latest trends in AI and guided teachers in learning innovative technologies such as 'computer vision' and 'object recognition' through the use of AI lenses.

Workshop on Strategies for Assessing Students' STEAM Projects

How can teachers cultivate students' 21st-century competencies and foster excellent public speaking skills while developing their computational thinking skills?

Co-founder Sarah discussed 'Prompting Strategies' and 'Scientific Inquiry Process' during the workshop. These strategies help teachers encourage students to connect programming with global issues and confidently present their learning outcomes in STEAM projects through public speaking during school open days and inter-school STEAM competitions.

Primary Science Teacher Training Workshop: Discovering 'Sink and Float' through Mindfulness Bottles with Cambridge Scientist

Recently, Big Bang Academy and Buddhist Chi King Primary School have co-organized a teacher training workshop. Co-Founder Nixon discussed how to utilize food coloring and fizzy tablets to create a 'Mindfulness Bottle' and demonstrate the 'Sink and Float' concept from the 'Properties of Matter' chapter in the EDB Primary Science Curriculum Framework.

If primary teachers are not going to include written exams during the implementation of science curriculum, how can they adopt assessment-for-learning strategies such as 'science presentations' to foster the students’ love of science? Teachers are invited to watch the videos now and learn more!

If you are interested in obtaining the presentation slides from the workshop, please feel free to contact us.

Malvern Colleague HKHarrow International SchoolDSHKSt. Hilary PrimaryFrench International School HKABC PathwaysMagart SchoolPodsPo Kok SchoolCMSMalvern Colleague HKHarrow International SchoolDSHKSt. Hilary PrimaryFrench International School HKABC PathwaysMagart SchoolPodsPo Kok SchoolCMS

Comprehensive STEAM school support services.

Unlocking the potential of STEAM education: On-site support to promote comprehensive STEAM learning and offer exclusive educational curriculum.

STEAM Day or STEM Competition

Collaborating with schools to co-organize STEAM learning activities, providing resources from multiple angles to facilitate and save the most time for the school. *Bilingual tutors (Chinese/English) can be provided as needed.

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Extra Curriculum Activities

Conducting STEAM-related recreational activities during after-school hours on weekdays/weekend leisure time. *Bilingual tutors (Chinese/English) can be provided as needed.

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Incorporating experimental elements into regular curriculum, allowing students to acquire theoretical knowledge through hands-on experiments and establish a solid foundation.

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Calling for Gifted Little Scientists

Introducing Project Alpha, where we select elite students to join our 6-month accelerated training programme (incl. lessons, experiment projects, workshops, exhibitions) to become top scientists and leaders of the new generation.

Learn More about Project Alpha

Summer STEAM Camp

Join one of the best multi-disciplinary STEAM Camp in Hong Kong!

With 6 locations all over Hong Kong and 4 science theme including Sports Scientist, Chemistry Magic, SpaceX Explorer and Eco Protector. You can always find your favorite Science Camp here!

Let's have fun experimenting!

Sign Up Now

Successful Use Cases

Hong Kong
International School
As one of the best international schools in Hong Kong, HKIS is delighted by the all-around curriculum design by Big Bang Academy.  Throughout the term of Big Bang Academy’s ECA, students get to explore topics related to all six major life science pillars, including chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, ecology, and engineering.
Christian Alliance S. Y. Yeh Memorial Primary School
As one of the ECA collaborating partners, CASYYMPS finds value in Big Bang Academy’s Hybrid learning module - on top of weekly in-person hands-on experiment classes, students also utilize Big Bang Academy’s self-developed online learning platform – Big Bang Lab, where students get access to lots videos, stories, and game that is related to life science, all made in Hong Kong by Big Bang’s in the house production team. CASYYMPS also finds value in how Big Bang Academy’s classes practice students’ public speaking ability where they get to showcase their progress on public speaking skills during the program’s graduation ceremony.
Sha Tau Kok Central Primary School
STKCPS held English and experimental-based STEM activities during the 2022-2023 academic year. The event was taught by Big Bang Academy’s professional teaching team, providing an experiment kit for every student in the school.
Catholic Mission School
Catholic Mission School is a long term user of Big Bang Lab, we provide a full school subscription of the e-leanring platform and science experiment boxes to their 500+ P1-P6 students. The package includes unlimited access to Big Bang Lab, bilingual science vocabulary glossary, key learning point revision sheets for students and lesson materials for teachers.We also partner with Catholic Mission School and researcher from University of Cambridge to conduct an academic research regarding the effectiveness of hybrid learning in the context of science education.
Pui Kiu College
Pui Kiu college had intergrated Big Bang Academy’s interactive and hands on STEM Day into their 2023 science curriculum learning. Big Bang Academy hosted 10 different classes serving over 320 students in p1 and p4, providing fun and educational experiments on Astronomy and physics.

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