Project Alpha
One-Year Accelerated
Science Programme

Unlock Talented Kids’ Potential with the Power of STEAM

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Parents, Have You Encountered These Problems?

How can my child effectively communicate their ideas?

I am worried that my child knows the facts but struggles to express them clearly.

Will my child have opportunities to excel beyond the classroom?

I want my child to be recognised for their talents and have opportunities to stand out.

How can my kid connect learning to real-world experiences?

I am concerned about my child understanding the real-world relevance of their studies.
Find your solution

What Makes Project Alpha Special?

Exclusive STEM Company Visits

We believe real-life showcases inspire kids the most. By connecting with top
STEM companies, we provide firsthand exposure, helping students find their
spark moments and empowering them to think ahead for the future.

Hands-on STEM Workshops

We offer face-to-face science classes taught in English with take-home experiments and projects. Our systematic curriculum is designed for various age group, which covers six science subjects and the latest tech/AI trends.

Interactive STEM e-learning Platform

We believe learning should be in anywhere, anytime. Our Big Bang Lab keeps
your kids engaged after lesson with fascinating animated science knowledge.

Public Speaking Training Session

We believe being book smart isn't enough. By reinforcing science concepts through "show & tell" training, we equip kids with future-proof communication skills,
enabling them to articulate confidently.

Programme Overview

3 Levels, 3 Learning Experiences

Level 1

4 - 5 years old
Science x Creativity

Ignite your passion & creativity in your first Science Class!

Get LEVEL1 Course Stucture

Level 2

6 - 8 years old
Science x Research

Cultivate your Scientific Thinking & Research Skills!

Get LEVEL2 Course Stucture

Level 3

9 - 11 years old
Science x Tech x Global

Merge Science and Technology to tackle Global Challenges!

Get LEVEL3 Course Stucture

Your Ultimate Awards in Project Alpha

After training and classes,
we would invite students to participate in
Hong Kong's largest STEAM Public Speaking Contest
in front of 300 parents and kids.

The top three winners will win a FREE STEAM Tour to the
University of Cambridge
. Students will earn a chance to visit the
university lab, interact with Cambridge professors,
and receive a hand-written feedback letter after the presentation.

Sign Up Now

Perks after Joining Project Alpha Family Certificate
Premier Access to VIP STEAM Events
Letter of recommendation for school admission
(2 year program or above)

Approved and Loved by Parents & Kids

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My daughter Mimi truly enjoys being part of the Big Bang Academy, she loves the hands-on experiments we do at home and so do I ! She also loves the new friends she has made during the group classes and excursions!


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Thanks to Big Bang Academy team! We greatly appreciate the well-designed e-learning platform and ready-made experiment box. After taking the Project Alpha Science workshops, Jonas become more confident and willing to speak himself. Look forward to the next experiment workshop and material box!


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Doing Big Bang experiments are a big treat to Venus. She is willing to finish her homework quicker just so she can watch Big Bang videos and do the experiments! Thank you Big Bang for all the fun and educational projects, and the teachers for making everything so exciting and fun for Venus!


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Eden gets SO excited to receive his boxes from Project Alpha, and is so proud to put together his new invention every time. Thank you BBA!


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Jolie enjoyed project alpha very much. Through different experiments, she found her interest and passion in science.


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Thank you Big Bang for bringing so much fun and knowledge about Science to our home. Erik always enjoys doing the experiments and is proud to share with us his accomplishments. The Big Bang goggle, name tag and lab coat have brought him a sense of ritual whenever he does his experiments.


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Clarice enjoys doing experiments and Project Alpha so much. She always looks forward to attending the workshops and wants to do the experiment immediately once she receives the monthly box. Also, the corporate excursions are amazing and can broaden her horizon!


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We're very grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Big Bang experience activity. Anders is also very interested in the work involved with each experiment box and has learned a lot of new knowledge from them.


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My kid has learnt a lot of new things from Project Alpha! Looking forward to new stage!


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Yu Heng enjoys doing experiments so much that he keeps asking when the boxes will be delivered! It's so joyful to see him learning science in a fun way, and Project Alpha has been an inspiring course that has enlightened Yu Heng to explore science related topics. He is going to join Level 2 soon and we are looking forward to it! I also plan to let my younger son join later too!


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With Big Bang, Phoebe has developed her interests and enthusiasm in science. She has started to solve problems step-by-step and analyze issues in a more logical way.

@fat_kenny9 @sylvia_cogit

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Ethan is always looking forward to receiving an experiment package, and he really enjoys the experiences of the online interactive videos and exercises. He has transformed from a little child who got excited about animations to someone who truly loves learning about science. As parents, we have a great time and are happy to learn together with him, which surely builds a strong parent-child relationship. Thanks to Big Bang for bringing such experiences to Ethan and us!


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Harry loves Big Bang's box set experiments, videos, and classes. He asked why he couldn't have classes weekly instead of bi-weekly. He also applies what he has learned in daily life. He told me that a rectangular column has better loading ability than a prism shape after the "engineering workshop," and that's why we always see cylindrical columns. It's great to see Harry's enthusiasm for learning.


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Hannah has been a part of Project Alpha since the junior phase, and I couldn't be more thrilled to see her passion for science blossom! The interactive videos have truly sparked her curiosity and made learning science a blast! She's obsessed with the creative experiments that can be done with just household materials! It's amazing to see her exploring and discovering the wonders of science right at home.Thank you, Big Bang, for nurturing Hannah's love for science and making it so accessible and exciting!


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Thanks to Big Bang Academy guiding Lynette on the fruitful STEAM journey. 😀👍😎


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Adrian enjoys doing Big Bang experiments! Besides following the instructions, sometimes he thought and tried something different from the experiments, sometimes worked, sometimes failed. Thank you for selecting Adrian as the star of the month in August. I will take this opportunity to encourage him to "feel free to present himself."


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Hau Hau joined the program for almost 2 months. She enjoys doing experiments and watching funny videos. She wants to explore more and more in the future. Thanks for organizing this fantastic program!


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Thanks again team for designing the experiment series and fostering a fun and enjoyable learning atmosphere. 👍


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The experiments can ignite Torres’s sense of curiosity with science. Torres enjoyed a lot.


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Thank you so much Big Bang Academy. Austin has enjoyed all the experimental boxes and workshops with you! We are seeing great improvement in his scientific knowledge after joining your program. :)


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Really appreciate how Project Alpha created a space for Lucy to develop and shared her interest in science, she became more confident and willing to seek answers by herself after Term 1.Look forward to seeing her changes in Term 2!


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Yes,  she could absorbed the knowledge quite quickily as it is interesting, she herself sticked to the wall and said that is adhesion and hug me tight and said that is cohesion

@Ying Ying Chan

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Thank you💕Lucas loves the experiments so much this time. He can naturally use some science words to explain the experiment and able to connect the dots in his daily life. Like mentioning evaporation when we r having hotpot’s 😂😂😂 he tried to put different liquids in the freezer to test if they can be frozen too!🤣

Vivio Szeto

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Thanks to the Big Bang Academy team! Dax always enjoys learning from all the videos, experimental tools and workshops.

@daxchan0403 @kennethlion

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Charlotte has always been enjoying the experiments every month and she would try to do them on her own!


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Micah enjoys doing experiments and he’s so excited when the new experiment box reaches us! It’s great to learn with fun!


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Alphonse joined Big Bang Academy since January 2023. He has been enjoying your program and the experimental models you provide.

Thank you so much!

Alphonse's parents

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Mason Julian Chan and his little brother Julius now understand what is oobleck !! They enjoyed the experiment a lot. They explored the 2 states of solid and liquid :)

Mason's parents

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Super fun and interactive STEAM Kit. Filled with activities and games. For sure this will keep the kids busy for a few days and I can retreat to my hot bath now ->

Maisy's parents

How to Join Project Alpha?

Project Alpha selects the top students in Hong Kong with high ability and potential in science.


Through school nomination


Through completing a Gifted Science Ability Test ("GSAT") on our Project Alpha Trial Class

*The Gifted Science Ability Test scores students on scientific knowledge and motivation to learn.

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【Trial Class Sign Up】5 Spots Left...

*Students with excellent performance in the trial class will be directly admitted to Project Alpha.*

Project Alpha Admission Day (GSAT) Sign Up

**Students with excellent GSAT scores will be invited to join Project Alpha Cambridge competition programme

您好,感謝報名Project Alpha招生日(GSAT)

參加考試費用: $288

1) Click here for PayMe Payment:
2) Click here for Credit Card Payment:    
3) FPS ID: 167919687        

請提供成功過數版面截圖,以確認你的出席名額 。如有任何查詢,歡迎與我們聯絡。  


1. GSAT 資優科學能力測試 ✏️
2. 小組活動- 體驗自製電子魔杖實驗
3. 家長講座介紹 Project Alpha 劍橋比賽課程
4. 小朋友STEM強項分析報告 (根據筆試和小組表現)

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